Treat Your Dog And Yourself! Go to the Park!

Mrs. Wigglebottom and I went to the park. She played in the water. I took a nap. We came home. I gave her a bath and took another nap. I never in my life have had periods 28 days apart, but 2007 seems to be the year of that and, whoa boy, doesn’t it feel like all you’re doing is bleeding? I swear to god, I’m all like “Didn’t I just have this fucker?” And I did. On the other hand, no bad cramps, so there’s that. And, if I need to take two naps an afternoon (or maybe just one long nap interrupted by a drive home), who’s to complain?

Anyway, it’s beautiful outside. If I had a porch swing or a hammock, that’s where I’d be. Yes, taking another nap.

Here’s the bridge we played under. Sadly, no trolls.


And here are some various grassy things I looked at while I was laying in said grass. Notice all the clover.




And now, for the dog so cute that, in a just world, she’d be featured every day on Cute Overload, Mrs. Wigglebottom takes on her arch enemy–water!  Notice how she’s all “I will chomp you, water!”  Sorry for the one of her butt, but believe me, world, when you own a dog, you see more of that dog’s butthole than you’d think would be humanly possible.  Also, check the one where she’s got her whole head under water.  I’ve never see her do that, before.




7 thoughts on “Treat Your Dog And Yourself! Go to the Park!

  1. Rocky, Rocky, Rocky,

    Talking smack about a girl is no way to get her to come out to your house and play with you.

    Rachel, you should get a puppy and I would come over and rub his puppy belly.

    Lynnster, isn’t that bridge awesome? It totally makes me want to be a troll and live under it.

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