Project X: My Birthday


My parents keep making me think up things for them to give me at various culturally appropriate times. So, I decided that I might want a print of a crow from Fat Crow Press, which is one of my favorite places in town. But when I was talking to her a few weeks ago, she told me she was going to have smaller, less expensive prints of two crows. Well, two crows are just about as good as two ravens. I’m going to hang these puppies right below The Hanged Man in the dining room and let those who know what they’re seeing have a nice smile about it.

Anyway, after we went and picked up the print, we stopped by East Side Story and one of the artists for Project X was there and we got to talking and… lord… she’s going to be perfect. And it was awesome to see how excited she was getting just hearing about it from me.

Things are moving along. And so I guess that’s good. I mean, it’s good. It’s just a bunch of stuff that’s out of my hands. So, that part’s scary. But cool.

8 thoughts on “Project X: My Birthday

  1. Neat, that’s Julie Sola’s place, I love her stuff. She’s married to Sergio Webb, are you familiar with him?

  2. How lovely! Is it by any chance by the same artist who did the crows and tomatoes t-shirt for the Tomato Art Fest a couple of years ago? That is possibly my favorite East Nashville t-shirt ever.

  3. Peg, no! I didn’t even know she had a name. I just stop by and chat with her when I’m in the area, because her work is amazing and she is super, super nice.

    Jess, she has an etsy shop. I don’t see any crows, but they’re in her physical shop, so it seems like you could email her and find a way for her to sell you some. Let me tell you, she’s got some large ones for, I think, $200 that I covet, I just don’t have the budget.

    NM, I don’t know.

  4. I’m seriously looking at visiting toward the end of next month. If I do, I’m so going to her shop.

  5. She used to work at Hatch Show Print on Broadway. Sergio play bass and guitar around town with people, their daughter is a ballerina. Talented family.

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