Someone Alert Radley Balko!

Vanderbilt University has a SWAT team.

I have no words.  Didn’t they just get permission from the city to be real police recently?  It’s been since I’ve been here.  Shouldn’t there be more than a handful of years between becoming a real police force and getting a SWAT team?

Does Berry Hill have a SWAT team?  What about Belle Meade?  Shoot, let’s all get SWAT teams.  I want to be the person who yells, “Go, go, go, go, go.”

14 thoughts on “Someone Alert Radley Balko!

  1. When I was in high school and Vandy Cops used to chase us around the Dragon Park because we were drinking Champale or some shit like that, our taunt was, “What are you gonna do? Tickle us?”

    Now I guess they’re for real. Good thing I gave up the pink stuff…

  2. I actually know a guy who was interviewing for a position with Vandy on their new SWAT team. I hope he didn’t get in, because i swear to God, he’s unstable. He had a prior shooting related dismissal from a small town PD. Scary as shit.

    I wonder if Vandy self insures, cause, if not this may be responding to an incentive offered by whomever underwrites Vandy liability. Seems like a hell of an expense, though, and, come to think of it, increases their liability at least as much as it contributes to overall security.

  3. Pingback: Volunteer Voters » Vanderbilt University Is Getting Its Own SWAT Team

  4. Pingback: SayUncle » No shit?

  5. Belle Meade doesn’t have SWAT but they do have one of those high powered “Interceptor” squad cars to catch people going 50 in their 45 MPH zone.

    Eh, too bad Robert Urich is dead.

  6. Mark – they’ll get you, too!

    What really pisses me off about the BMP is that they won’t even pull off the road when they get someone – they’ll just pull over to where half their quad car is blocking the right lane.

    I’d hate to see them with a swat team.

  7. Do y’all remember when there was talk in Belle Meade of making it so only Belle Meade residents could drive down Belle Meade Boulevard and the thing that stopped it was when the police were like, “Yeah, good luck with getting someone to enforce that, because none of us can afford to live here, so we couldn’t drive on it either.”?

  8. Berry Hill needs a swat team. Just the other day I found a pile of dog crap in the park not 5FT FROM THE DOG CRAP BAG DISPENSER!!! They should at least have tasers.

  9. Robert Urich is dead?

    Do y’all remember when there was talk in Belle Meade of making it so only Belle Meade residents could drive down Belle Meade Boulevard

    Yes, I do. I drove 15 miles out of my way one weekend just to drive up and down Belle Meade Blvd in my junker car. I saw about 15 other junker cars doing the same thing.

  10. They have their Negro Radar on at all times but I know where they hang out so I stay safe. Learned my lesson.

    Yes, Urich is dead, sadly. Spenser we hardly knew ye.

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