This Explains So Much

This week, after Rep. Rob Briley made a heartfelt apology for his well-publicized drunken behavior, Rep. Gary Moore, the straightforward Joelton firefighter, made the excellent point that everyone battles secret demons. But the way he made it was hilarious:

“Some of us are alcoholics,” Moore said. “Some of us are thieves. Some of us are adulterers. Truth of the matter is, we reflect society.”

Rep. Charles Curtiss of Sparta said Moore’s comments might have been a bit much. But he made it even worse: “I don’t think there are any criminals in here. But we’re a cross section of society. There are people in there that drink, people in there that beat their wives, people in there unfaithful to their wives. No question in my mind about that.”

Gail Kerr

(h/t Ben “We’re Paying for this Shit?” Cunningham)

I don’t know who needs to go down there and lecture some folks on the fact that women’s bodies are not their personal playgrounds, but someone, for sure.

2 thoughts on “This Explains So Much

  1. I don’t know when we decided that “a cross-section of society” meant “a potpourri of spurious and felonious behaviour.”

    It used to mean “we’ve got doctors, lawyers, farmers, teachers, librarians and housewives.”

    Now it apparently means “we have as many varieties of troglodyte as your average bail bondsman’s office at 2:30 Sunday morning.”

  2. I don’t know when we decided that “a cross-section of society” meant “a potpourri of spurious and felonious behaviour.”

    that would be when we started talking about our elected representatives, i think. and i believe one mr. Twain once agreed with me on that point, as well.

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