47 thoughts on “And I Bet Not One Talking Head Brings It Up

  1. Can you throw a penalty flag from a fainting couch? Maybe you should just rest your pretty little head and not worry about making tough decisions about who should be president.

    Don’t worry, JP, I’ve got it all taken care of.

  2. I’m loving it!!! This is a huge breakthrough…even my 7-year-old can’t understand why a woman or an African-American has never been president before.

    I didn’t dislike Edwards, but today is a good day…if only but for the reason you stated above.

  3. Well, I saw all three as good candidates, but it boils down to two triangulators and one dropout who didn’t have a prayer of getting 1/3 of his shtick enacted into law, even with a 60/40 Senate.

    I’m hoping the triangulators don’t disappoint and buy into the conventional wisdom that “bipartisanship” = “giving Republicans all that they want, every frickin’ time.”

  4. I just think it’s funny that there’s been all this talk about what black women will do–will they vote for Obama or Clinton–as if their situation is unprecedented, but I haven’t heard anyone on my tv, who’s spouting this stuff about black women talking about the fact that white men are in the exact same situation.

    Are we supposed to infer that black women vote only for reasons of race or gender and that white men never do?

    Maybe so.

  5. or, you know, maybe the issues. not everyone is concerned about who has a vagina and who has a higher melanin content despite what the media tell you.

  6. One hopes race and gender won’t be the decision-maker…

    I agree, dolphin, but I believe race and gender has been the deciding factor in most of the presidential races of my lifetime.

  7. …soooo, white Democratic women have an unprecedented position of choosing their race AND their gender as well as choosing between their race and their gender.

    I’d be putting Tylenol next to those fainting couches.

  8. Are we supposed to infer that black women vote only for reasons of race or gender and that white men never do?

    I think a lot of the talking heads think they’re being noble. They are discussing black (!) women (!!), which they rarely do.

    It’s one of the reasons I’m backing off politics this go-round. All of the talking heads seem to think that the American People are this sort of interesting pet whose behaviour they can either predict or amusedly marvel over. They discuss humans like dogs. “What will the women do? What will the Christian Right do? What will farmers do?”

    It’s done in such a way that it removes the humanity from the decision.

  9. I agree, dolphin, but I believe race and gender has been the deciding factor in most of the presidential races of my lifetime.

    How in the frakkin hell?! There haven’t been any nonwhite women running, excepting Geraldine Ferraro who had hitched her wagon to the single most impossible candidate the Democrats have mounted in the last 80 years against the most popular president in the last 30.

  10. What I am saying, Kat, is that the fact that we have only had white men in the Presidency in this country tells me that, until the past 30 years, the only race and color that was “acceptable” was white and male.

    I mean really…women and people of color didn’t just suddenly become intelligent enough to hold political office in the past 30 years.

  11. Interesting, Kat, because my take is that this is the first time in a while that I have seen the voter getting, if not a fair shake, at least a nod from the television gods. Also, I think when many pundits refer to women, or African Americans, or hell, Latinos for that matter, they may be referring to the various groups that claim to speak for them. Of the three, I’d be hard pressed to predict which group tends to vote as a “single unit.”

  12. I mean really…women and people of color didn’t just suddenly become intelligent enough to hold political office in the past 30 years.

    If holding political office was solely about intelligence, my father would be president and Win Corduan would be the Secretary Of Every Cabinet Position.

    Holding office is far more about having enough friends with money, about knowing the right people and being connected in a very specific way. Women and people of colour are just now at the stage where they’ve been able to work those connections, to get into Yale and Skull and Bones and all that.

    I’m not cheering because a woman or black man is running. It’s of little difference to me.

    People of priviledge still control this country in scary ways. It’s just that now “privilege” includes your token black and female folks too.

  13. Yes, Kat, I agree with you. I’m not sure what your problem is with what I am saying.

    It’s been all white male until only recent years.

    I was stating the obvious. What’s the problem?

  14. You said that race and gender had been the deciding factor in the presidential races of your lifetime.

    I’m just wondering how that can be so, given that everyone involved has heretofore been of the same race and gender.

  15. Interesting, Kat, because my take is that this is the first time in a while that I have seen the voter getting, if not a fair shake, at least a nod from the television gods.

    Our take is the same, I guess. I must not be expressing myself well on this point. The TV gods seem to think themselves noble for granting this nod is what I’m saying. They are sort of like “aren’t we cool for considering people we don’t normally consider?!?”

    It’s sort of the way a lot of fundamentalist Christians are when they talk about Jews, and it’s the same attitude you see in Ned Williams that upsets nm so much. It’s that “I AM openminded because I pay attention to the stereotype I have of you!” thing.

  16. Kat, everybody hates the science of demographics, but that doesn’t diminish the fact that they are a pretty darned good indicator of human interaction.

    ESPECIALLY voting.

    Single white women have voted Democrat in almost all recent elections. African Americans have voted somewhere near 90% for the Democrat in all recent national elections. Married southern men tend to vote Republican in large numbers.

    These are all valid things to point out, and no matter what happens in the primary or who is the nominee, everyone will fall into their respective camps in November. The people who are going to vote for one party or another would have voted that way even if Edwards had been the nominee.

    Demographics is destiny.

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  19. I’m trying to say that 30+ years ago, if the PERFECT candidate on every issue ran– they still would not have been elected if they were not a white male.

    (I’m typing this from my phone …sorry it’s discombobulated)…

  20. You said that race and gender had been the deciding factor in the presidential races of your lifetime.

    I’m just wondering how that can be so, given that everyone involved has heretofore been of the same race and gender.


    The fact that everyone has been the SAME race and the SAME gender, simultaniously, is an indication that race and gender have been deciding factors in not only who is elected president, but who runs for it.

    If both gender and race hadn’t been deciding factors, then all elected presidents wouldn’t have the same race and gender.

    When characteristics are the same in a group of people, when those characteristics are not the same in the general population, then one way of understanding that is that the similar characteristics (in this case race and gender) are deciding characteristics for the inclusion of individuals into this group.

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  22. I’m sure our country will crash and burn if a man is not the next President. Oh, I forgot that’s what the man in the White House just did for us.

  23. I’m sure our country will crash and burn if a man is not the next President. Oh, I forgot that’s what the man in the White House just did for us.

    You have to admit, though: He’s an extraordinarily stoopit man.

  24. Pingback: bastard.logic

  25. On my way home from work today I heard, on NPR, a male commentator say, honest to dog, that with Edwards out of the race white men in the Democratic party had no one to vote for. He even said it like he was pouting, and outraged to have to be pouting. I got so mad I had to turn the radio off. What was that supposed to mean? How the hell, I asked myself, could I have been finding people to vote for all these years even though not one of them has looked like me? Somebody, I thought, might just get the chance to learn something. Or–oh cynicism–that kind of white male voter will just slide over and vote for McCain. And if that happens I’m not at all sure I’ll be sorry to see ’em go.

  26. I have to say, and maybe this is just because I’ve become something of a floozy in my old age, I’ve seen some penises. I’ve even had the opportunity to touch one or two (with my girly parts!) and I can’t recall the white ones being so much more special than the others or more fun than vulvas and so I’m not sure why the lack of one might cause other white men to feel listless and confused.

    But I swear, that seems to be the case. Some men just do not seem to know how to function if they don’t have a white penis leading the way.

    So, yeah, go ahead and vote for McCain. Shoot, let’s just make that his campaign slogan–“Have no fear; I have a white penis.”

    Ha, ha.

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  28. On my way home from work today I heard, on NPR, a male commentator say, honest to dog, that with Edwards out of the race white men in the Democratic party had no one to vote for.

    Yeah, I thought of this post when I heard two different heads mention how lost honky liberal guys must be now that there’s no one for them to vote for. All these years I spent looking at the issues, and here I should have been shallow and voted in block for the white guys ’cause that’s all that mattered. Who knew? So I’m supposed to see this as voting for a dick or voting for boobs?

  29. Pingback: Music City Bloggers » Blog Archive » White guys must be shallow

  30. So I’m supposed to see this as voting for a dick or voting for boobs?

    If you ask me there’s enough dicks and boobs in Washington already. (ok, groan if you must, but nobody else was taking it and somebody had to)

  31. Don’t get those fainting couches out yet. Or read anything into Gravel still being my first choice … but I will have to deal with some very confusing emotions if he should suddenly surge.

  32. If you ask me there’s enough dicks and boobs in Washington already. (ok, groan if you must, but nobody else was taking it and somebody had to)

    And i was afraid nobody would take the straight line. Thanks, Dolphin!

  33. This debate should be classified under “foreseeable consequences” of the premise and manner in which the 2008 Presidential framework was developed, promoted, and maintained – by politicos and the campaigns and parties alike.

    It has always been one of the flaws of the boomer generation to present the most impossible of social dilemmas geared toward experimentation that has been their perpetual legacy, and their potential downfall – upon which they have inflicted upon, or afflicted the American public, soon to be the world.

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